When you draw, do you worry about details? I know I do. Look at the picture above. That's me when I draw. I mean, I don't draw pandas that often but you get the idea.
If you read my post before this one, you'll know about how God created you to be a masterpiece. Well, in order for something to be a true masterpiece, one must pay attention to the details. The big, the small, the pretty, and the not so pretty.
So, now what do we know? Well, we know that God created us to be a masterpiece, and that he cared enough for us that he payed attention to the details. Now let's move to something else.
Here is a bible verse I found that relates to detail: "Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7.
That doesn't exactly relate to this post, but it, he does tell us some things that are important. He tells us that God pays attention to detail, for every single hair on your head is numbered. He also says we are worth so much to him, more than many sparrows, to be exact. That means he will care for you. Because he cares for the sparrows, right? And if you're worth more than sparrows, that means you're in good hands.
OK, I've gotten a little off-topic. Let's crank the wheel back to the beginning where I'm talking about details. Here's a challenge: If you like to sketch, paint, etc., this is mainly for you. If you don't pay attention to detail, or you do, just not a lot, I'm asking you to focus on adding detail to your artwork. Then look at it, and know it's a true masterpiece and then, lastly, thank God for this gift that you've been given.