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Monday, January 1, 2018


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Happy New Year everybody! Wow, 2018... I am ready for the new year! Do you have any new year resolutions? I would love to know what they are! If you have any, please let me know what they are in the comments below.

So, in the concept of the new year, I wanted to talk about new year resolutions. You most likely have one. I have one. To try and make at least fifteen more posts throughout the year. But you don't have to have one.
Do you know why?
Because God has some for you.
Every year, God wants you to do some things, here are two:
  • Love God 
Now, let's break that down into four points.
  1. There is only one God, love Him
  2. Don't worship idols
  3. Don't take God's name in vain (i.e. oh my gosh, oh my god, that type of stuff)
  4. Honor the Sabbath day (i.e. rest, spend time with God)
  • Respect others
Let's also break this down into six points.
  1. Honor your father and mother
  2. Don't murder (hate=murder within your heart in God's eyes )
  3. Don't commit adultery
  4. Don't steal
  5. Don't lie
  6. Don't be greedy or lustful
Do these sound familiar? OK, yes, I shortened them, and yes, I made them blunt, but they are the same either way.
They are the Ten Commandments broken down.
God wants you to do these things not just every year, but every day as well. It's your choice. God wants us to obey these laws that he gave us. And if you don't obey one of them one day, don't worry. God won't hold it against you. Throughout my lifetime, I've probably failed to obey at least half. God forgave me though, and He'll forgive you too.

Have a happy New Year, and may God bless you.

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