Nobody likes messing up. Especially me. Whether in art or in life, everyone makes mistakes.
Some people say that there are no mistakes in art. Some say the opposite-that you can make mistakes. I've heard both sides. Actually, I have had conflicting thoughts on the subject myself!
Some people think that they are messups. That God messed up somehow in creating them. Well, if you are one of those people, let me tell you something: IT'S NOT TRUE. No matter what you or other people say about it, you are not a messup. God created you perfectly.
In other words, your his masterpiece. (Did you see what I did there? I referenced another post! XD) He didn't mess up on you.
Here's what the bible says about it:
Luke 12:7 says, "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."
Some people say that there are no mistakes in art. Some say the opposite-that you can make mistakes. I've heard both sides. Actually, I have had conflicting thoughts on the subject myself!
Some people think that they are messups. That God messed up somehow in creating them. Well, if you are one of those people, let me tell you something: IT'S NOT TRUE. No matter what you or other people say about it, you are not a messup. God created you perfectly.
In other words, your his masterpiece. (Did you see what I did there? I referenced another post! XD) He didn't mess up on you.
Here's what the bible says about it:
Luke 12:7 says, "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."